안녕하세요. 오늘의 혼자공부 주제는 미래 시제입니다.
학교에서 going to부터 will까지 꼭 일어날 미래, 확신 없는 미래 등 다양한 상황에 미래 표현을 배웠었죠! 하지만 미래에 일어날 일에 대한 표현은 그거보다 더 다양합니다. 밑에서 확인해 보세요 ^_^
현재(present) 시제로 미래를 표현하기.
계획된 미래를 이야기할 때 현재진행형(-ing)를 사용하면 됩니다.
They are leaving Dublin on Friday. | She is going to the cinema on Saturday. |
He is having a party next week. | We are fishing in Lake Shannon on Sunday. |
They are arriving next week. | What are you doing tonight? |
계획이 되어 일어날 일을 표현할 때, 그리고 지금 바로 실행되는 사건에 대해서 표현할 때 현재진행형을 사용하고 will은 사용하지 않습니다. (예제를 조금 더 확인)
what are they doing tomorrow? | not) what will they do tomorrow? |
I'm working tomorrow. | not) i will work tomorrow. |
john is getting a lift to his gym class. | not) john will get a lift to his gym class. |
Are you going to play football? | not) Will you play football? |
현재시제를 사용하면 규칙적이고 예상가능한 미래일 표현이 가능합니다.
The train leaves at 5:30 | When does your class finish? |
Tomorrow is noy birthday. | It's my birthday tomorrow. |
Tracy starts work with us next Monday. | When do you finish work? |
현재시제 VS 현재진행형
When are they arriving? | When does their train arrive? |
Are you going out tonight? | Yes, the class starts at 7. |
Going + to for future.
100프로 확신은 아니지만, 거의 할 예전인 계획적인/의도적인 일을 표현할 때는 'going to' do something in future.
Are you going to say something? | I'm goint to buy a cake. |
We are going to make a plan. | We are going to ask the team to do it. |
[going + to + 동사]는 우리가 할 것이지만 정확한 일정이나 스케줄이 없을 때 사용합니다. 예제를 확인하세요.
Your room is so untidy | Yes, I'm going to clean it(at some point) |
Look at that beautiful beach | Yes, I'm definitely going to go there (some day) |
I'm so overweight | I'm going to lose weight and get fit this year (at some point) |
Mike, the grass needs to be cut | Don't worry I'm going to do it (no specific time given) |
또한, 어떤 사건 때문에 곧 무엇이 일어날 것이라고 표현할 때도 [going + to + 동사]를 사용합니다.
- Stop eating so many sweets >> you are going to be sick
- The operation was a success >> you are going to get better.
- Look at that beautiful sunshine and clear blue sky >> it is going to be hot today.
과거에 했어야 했지만 하지 않은 일들, 일어나지 않은 일들은 표현 할때도 [going + to + 동사]입니다.
- I was going to go to Paris, but then I changed my mind.
- We were going to say something, bu then we thought, better not.
- You were going to get a dog, but then you decided not to
- The weatherman said it wasn't going to rain, but it did.
will / shall
대명사(I / we / you etc.)와 will을 함께 사용하면 미래에 할 의도가 있다는 표현 합니다.
여기서 going to와 will의 미래 표현의 차이점을 다시 짚으면, 계획적이고 정리가 되어있는 미래 표현은 going to이고 미래에 대한 물음, 약속, 동의, 제안은 will을 사용합니다.
going to (arrangements) | will (ask, promise, agree, offer) |
Is she going with you to NY? No, she is not coming with us this time |
Promise me you won't do that again. I'ill never do it again, I swear. |
Will you be working here again tomorrow? No, I'm working in buiding2 tomorrow. |
Will you help our campaign by signing your name? Sure, I'll sign it. |
Shall은 제안할 때 사용하고, will은 특정 인물이 해주거나 무언가를 알고 싶을 때 사용합니다.
Shall we eat? = let's eat | Will you eat the food? = Do you like the food enough? |
When for future (기타 표현)
조건문 사용 시 when 뒤에 절은 미래를 나타낸다. 그리고 when 이외에도 미래를 의미하는 것들이 많은데 문장의 흐름으로 파악을 해야 할 것 같습니다.(어려움 ㅠ)
- When you are older, you will enjoy the peace and quiet.
- When they are gone home in the evening, we will have our dinner.
- We will light a fire, after we have cut the wood.
- You will not get dessert, until you have finished your dinner.
- He won't notice while he is playing with his smartphone.
- Check the tyres before they drive off
- As soon as we are there, I'm going straight to Paul's house.
- If you want, I'll leave you alone.
reference lists
저는 온라인 무료공부 사이트를 통해서 영어공부를 하고 복습을 하고자 글을 쓰고 참조된 사이트나 내용을 정리해 공유해 드리고 있습니다.
읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 영어공부 뿌시자!
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