꿀팁/정보를 무한공유

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영어 혼공족

[영어공부혼자하기] 비교급 문법 핵심정리

cleanass 2022. 1. 30. 17:54

저는 비교급 문장들이 항상 심오하게 헷갈립니다. 오늘 그 다양한 "비교급"에 대해서 정리하면서 공부하겠습니다.


비교급 형태


● 기본적으로 우리가 알고 있는 비교급 표현 문법 간단 정리

한 음절 단어에는 'er' 붙임  
bigger smaller
두 음절 단어 & y로 끝나는 단어에는 'ier' 붙임
happier earlier
두 음절 이상 단어에는  'more'을 단어 앞에 사용  
more revealing more playful
부사 앞에도 'more'을 사용
more passionately more delicious



● 기타 경우

'more'과 'er'을 동시에 사용할 수 있는 형용사
more kind kinder
more fresh fresher
more funny funnier
more black blacker
단어가 변하는 경우
good/well better
bad/badly worse


● 예제

  • I moved to the countyside, so I could be closer to my family.
  • The holiday was boring, I would have preferred something more active.
  • It's very noisy, let's sit over there where it's quieter.
  • The weather is too hot, I would prefer it it was cooler.
  • The garden is small, I expected it to be bigger.
  • Try to speak more quietly, the children are sleeping in bed.
  • This hotel isn't very nice. Let's try to find a better one.
  • We came home from our holiday earlier than expected, as we missed our children.
  • I wish I had a more reliable job, I never know how much I will get paid from week to week.
  • The car was full of buttons and digital controls, I prefer a more simple car.



비교문법 다양한 사용 방식


① 비교문법은 어떠한 상태의 정도를 강조하는 데 사용 가능합니다.

(to emphasie the level or degree of something)

  • She feels much better after going for a walk. → significantly better
  • Can you paint a bit more slowly? You are leaving streaks of paint.
  • The damage from the fire was much more serious than we thought. → very serious


② Any & No를 사용해서 문장을 강조할 수 있습니다.

  • We shouldn't wait any longer. → Let's go now
  • Is this hat any better for you? → is it more suitable size?


③ 반복 비교를 통해서 강조 또는 과장할 수 있습니다.

(repeat comparative to emphasise or exaggerate a point)

  • This holiday is getting better and better. I don't want to go home.
  • He became more and more convinced she was lying, as she wouldn't look him in the eyes.


④ The와 비교 문법을 함께 사용하여 변하지 않은 사실 문장을 표현할 수 있습니다.

('the' with comparative words and phrases, expecially for zero conditional statements and idioms or expressions)

  • The cooler the weather, the more fuel you'll need.
  • The harder you work, the more money you'll have.
  • The older you are, the harder it is to change.
  • What size room do you want?  The bigger the better. We're inviting 50 guests. → as big as possible
  • When do you want me to finish the report?  The sooner the better. I'd like it finished before the meeting. → as soon as possible


⑤ as + 형용사 + as는 무언가를 비교할 때 사용합니다. (양, 같음, 차이)

  • 양적으로 다를 때, Rent prices are twice as expensive today as they were 20 years ago. → two times more expensive.
  • 같을 때, The town where I come from, is the same now as it was 30 years ago.
  • 부정적인 비교할 때, The green car doesn't go as fast as the yellow one. → It's worse than the yellow car.



  1. reliable
  2. be full of
  3. streak
  4. conjunction


Refrence list - 공부한 사이트



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저는 온라인 무료공부 사이트를 통해서 영어공부를 하고 복습을 하고자 글을 쓰고 참조된 사이트나 내용을 정리해 공유해 드리고 있습니다.

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